Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Exodus Update

Please keep us in your prayers this coming weekend. We play for Liberty University's convocation which is about 12,000 people and will be preforming with a choir called LU Praise. Right after we play Friday morning, we leave for Ghent, West Virginia and will be leading the Worship for The Thomas Road Baptist Church High School Youth Group and we will be there until Sunday afternoon. It takes about three hours to make the trip so we wil get back to Lynchburg around 5 or 6ish and then Monday morning we have to play for Liberty again for its convocation. We have quite the four day weekend coming up, along with much school work.  Also, My brother Matthew and his wife Stefanie might be having their baby this weekend so I might need to squeeze in a quick trip to Greenville, South Carolina to greet my new nephew! never the less we have a huge weekend coming up and everyones prayers would be greatly appreciated!!! 

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