Monday, July 25, 2011

Woodlands 2011

Hey Parents, leaders and faithful supporters!

My goal is to update my blog every night (Fingers crossed) to keep you guys in the loop with how things are going with us throughout the week at camp. My email is and Ill have my Blackberry on me all week, so feel free to shoot me an email whenever you like!

Pray for us. We believe God is going to do amazing things in the lives of our kids and were anticipating great things! You're prayers will be greatly appreciated!

See you guys soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yea!! Praying for phenomenal things to happen in the lives of the kids this week! Thank you to all who are giving of themselves to love our kids, and be the hands and feet of Christ this week! My throat was tight and tears in my eyes today as I watched those beautiful buses pull away. Denise H. Mom to Tyler and Molly who are at the Woodlands!