Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Greetings Cyberspace -
This past week at Alive we looked at two separate passages of scripture in the synoptic gospels.  Matthew 3:13–17, John 1:29–34 continued us in our study of the Life Of Christ.  For this coming week, be checking out Luke 4:1-13

Below are the  Big Idea, Sermon Points, Conclusion and Life Group Discussion Questions 

Biblical Truth: (Big Idea)
Baptism follows the example of Christ and is an important way of identifying oneself with Jesus.  Baptism does not save you. 

Learning Goals:
Students will understand that Jesus’ baptism occurred in obedience to God’s plan and demonstrated His commitment to the work of God’s Kingdom. 
Students will determine ways to be identified with Christ. 

This passage of Scripture is important because it reveals that [Jesus is God and Savior]. God’s response after Jesus’ baptism clearly shows the relationship between God the Father and God the Son. Jesus’ baptism was a righteous act of obedience before His Father. Believers’ baptism at its core involves following Jesus’ example. This passage also affirms that [Salvation is by Faith Alone] by demonstrating the biblical meaning of baptism as an important picture of salvation. 

1. Baptism identifies us with God’s call and mission 
(Matt. 3:13–17). 

As Jesus approached John for baptism, He assured John that God desired for Him to be baptized. God also expressed pleasure in Jesus’ baptism in the form of a voice from Heaven. By being baptized, Jesus demonstrated His 
obedience to God’s call for Him to be identified with righteousness and to identify Himself with God’s mission of calling all people to righteousness. 

When we are baptized, we are identified with God’s calling in our lives to live righteously and with God’s mission of calling others to righteousness. 

2. Baptism identifies us with Jesus’ example and message 
(John 1:29–31). 

Jesus provided an example for His followers to be baptized. In addition, John called out Jesus as the one who would sacrificially take away the sins of the entire world. By calling Jesus the Savior, John revealed Jesus’ message and life as the gospel of salvation for all peoples. Jesus clearly marked the beginning of His public ministry through His baptism. 

When we are baptized, we are identified with Jesus’ message of salvation. As we understand His offer of salvation to all people, we seek to make the gospel known to all the world. 

3. Baptism identifies us with the redemption of the community of faith    (John 1:32–34). 

By being baptized, Jesus identified Himself with John’s message for the people to repent and be baptized because the Messiah was coming. The Messiah was to bring salvation to His people. In identifying with John’s message, Jesus became part of the community of faith that believed in John’s message. John identified Jesus as the Messiah, making Christ the center of this faith community. 

Being baptized allows us to be identified with the local faith community as well as with all believers in the world. When we are baptized, we tell the world that we are part of God’s people on mission for Him. 

Baptism does not result in salvation, but rather it identifies us with God, His Son, and His people. 

Although baptism is not a part of receiving salvation, it is an important part of proclaiming salvation to the world. 

In many cases, our baptism is our first chance to proclaim Christ to the world. Our baptism models Christ and identifies us with His message. 

Life Group Questions:
  1. In your own words, what does it mean to be identified with Jesus? 
  2. How is baptism a witness of the gospel to others? 
  3. What statement do we make when we are baptized? 
  4. How important is baptism in the life of a Christ-follower? Why is it that important? 

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