Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Your kids are being tracked online and you can stop it

When your children use their computer or phone online, they are being tracked by marketers and, sometimes, unsavory characters who are gathering personal information about them.
It can be stopped if you'll speak out today!
Tracking the online movements of children and teens -- and collecting their personal data -- has become widespread. Companies collect kids' and teens' information and then sell it to advertisers and data brokers.
Because our children are growing up in a digital world, creating and consuming enormous amounts of content, digital interaction raises concerns about kids' and teens' online privacy and digital footprint. 
Parents and grandparents, contact Congress now to protect your children!
Members of Congress have introduced a bill that enhances online privacy protection for your children, the Do Not Track Kids Act of 2013. This bill does a lot of good things, but primarily it prohibits Internet companies from collecting personal information about your teens without their consent. 
Kids' online behavior shouldn't be tracked, and companies shouldn't be allowed to sell or transfer kids' personal information. Let your representative know that it's important kids and teens are protected online, and that we need to shield them from online tracking and targeting.
Email your Senators and Representative now and urge them to become a cosponsor of the Do Not Track Kids Act.

Take Action NowProtect children, contact Congress now!

It is very important that you forward this alert to your friends and family members.



Tim Wildmon, President
American Family Association
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