Greetings, everyone, from the wonderful camp grounds of Woodlands Camp!
Yesterday was a awesome day on many different levels. The bus ride down was smooth, unloading our luggage and getting checked-in to our cabins was flawless and the message last night by Ed Newton was POWERFUL and challenging! The only hiccup we had was a little bit of rain but God was so good in providing it on 2 different levels. 1) It made the heat index drop by like 15 degrees and 2) The game last night between cabins, was a water and mud game! So the rain was a gift from God in many aspects of making yesterday a great and fun day. It was cool to see bad weather as a blessing from God. He is so good.
Last nights lesson was on the first ten verses of 1 John chapter 1 and the take away was basically challenging the kids not to wait until the last night of camp to allow Jesus to captivate their hearts and to allow the Word of God to penetrate now. How it would be a shame to waste this week - being away from it all - and not allowing Christ to produce change NOW! If the Holy Spirit is moving now - WHY WAIT! Ed, was basically putting everything into perspective for the students and giving them a small appetizer on what's to come as we dive in to this wonderful book in the bible and how we need to prepare our hearts. I'll definitely update you guys in more detail later on in the week with specifically what were being taught. But, last night was just the introduction and challenge. You can already see God stirring the hearts of our students. Its a miracle every time you see God transforming these kids.
Below are some fun pictures for you guys! One is a picture of , Job, playing his ukulele for everyone on the bus ride down. It felt like we were on our way to Hawaii! Great and talented kid! Also a picture of what the rain left behind after it gave us a wonderful visit..... MUD! But like, I said.... It couldn't have come at a better time for us..... Finally, Karissa Sundt is below and throwing the thumbs up, while totally covered in mud during last nights game. The kids had an absolute blast.

Keep lifting us up in faithful prayer that God will radically change us spiritually! We, as a leadership team, can already feel the momentum being created by God and were anticipating GREAT things!!
More to come in the following days! Blessings!
Tim Wadsworth - Director of Student Ministries at North Hills Community Church.
Thanks Tim! So glad to know what they're studying.... will be reading it through and praying! The Horrocks'
Thanks Tim! Keep the news coming. Excited about what God is going to do through this week.
Dan Michaud
Thank you for the updates, and giving us insight as to how we should pray. KJ Locke
Love to know hat the kids do in our absence! Tell Zach he missed his Dad's low country boil today =) Thanks for the updates.
Tim and Cori Walkden
Thanks so much, guys!
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