Good morning guys!
Let me just say before anything else, that we have a phonemail group of sponsors with our kids this week. The Lord has assembled such a selfless group & team and the are already complementing this week greatly. I am blown away by their love for the Lord and how its quickly rubbing off on our students. Such great examples of Jesus in their lives!

Last night we dove into the second chapter of 1 John and it was so encouraging! The 3 main points that I took away (and hopefully our students took away) was how the passage tells us to 1) Move towards maturity! 2) What are our prevailing passions and 3) Are we abiding in truth?
These are 3 questions that are so correct with identifying where our hearts are! Basically, where are you missing the mark in your life and not allowing TRUTH to lead you.
I hope and pray our students are finding their IDENTITY in Christ and in NOTHING else! Not to let the world define them and let our Savior do the defining! I feel as tho we are moving to a place where they can hopefully say "This world has nothing for me.... only Christ can satisfy!"
Keep praying that our students will ABIDE in Jesus. That the word "Propitiating" will keep penetrating their precious hearts and they come to the realization that JESUS was the only one who could satisfy the wrath of God. They cant save themselves.... Only Christ. I hope brokenness happens.... and they realize their frailty and brevity. If we are abiding in TRUTH then we treasure everything about Christ. We start loving what God loves and HATING what the Creator hates!
Keep faithfully praying. Yesterday (Tuesday) was a GREAT day! It was the first day they could swim in the lake, go tubbing, zip-lining and countless other incredible activities!
We are meeting today (Wednesday) as a church from noon to 1230PM and Im hoping Ill get a little better feel with where everybody is at. That will be my next update tomorrow.... Our current status and the feel of our kids!
Much love,
Tim Wadsworth
It's been so great praying for you all...feel a little bit like we're there with you! Love, The Horrocks'
Hey, Tim. Thanks for the updates. We are praying! Tell Maggie her Mama says hey and she loves her!
Shannon Bell
Very excited to hear that Ed is doing a series in I John. Eli memorized that for Bible this year; we're looking forward to hearing what lesson was driven heart-deep at camp. Isn't seeing God's active sovereignty in our children's lives amazing?
Thanks, Tim, for the updates!
Becky & Rick Carnahan
Awesome keeping up with you at camp! Thanks for taking the time!
We are praying for you!!!
Thank you for the updates ~ we miss Ryan ~ thankful for all the great messages they're hearing and fun activities! Praying for everyone and for a safe return on Saturday ~ God bless!
Love, Alan and Donna Melton
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