Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Psalm Ch. 2

Psalms 2 - Passage Insight

This is a really interesting Psalm because it has three different contexts. The first is that it’s a poetic rendering of 2 Samuel 7:8-16. Nathan the prophet came to David and told him of God’s faithfulness to not only him, but his son as well. God promised David that he would have peace in his kingdom and that his son would reign. He promised David that his kingdom would endure forever. This Psalm is an echo of that prophecy.

Secondly, whenever a Davidic king would come to power this Psalm would be recited in some form to remind those watching the event that God promised that David’s line would endure forever. The kings were calling themselves in effect, sons of David and recipients of the covenant from God. The bad thing is most of these kings got the rod of discipline mentioned in 2 Samuel. Hey, God makes and keeps promises.

Thirdly, this Psalm has to make us think about Christ. Who is the Davidic king who will rule forever? Jesus and no one else. Israel kept thinking that they would get a worldly king that would lead them to worldly riches and control. Jesus was the king they missed. I pray Jesus is the king our students receive!

What Does the Passage Say?

Verses 1-3
We see the nations and people rebelling and plotting against God. All those who are not followers of Christ are the nations who rebel. We see the kings of the earth, their leaders, plotting against God. We see them saying “Let throw off these chains!” Interesting to think that they know who rules over the earth and controls them, though they try to rebel! The question the psalmist raises in verse one isn’t one of curiosity. It’s more of a “what’s the use?” kind of statement.

Verses 4-9
God speaks. He laughs at the plots of men. Not in a revengeful “I’m going to get you back” manner, but in an “I am God, do you even know who you’re plotting against?” way. He speaks and the kings are silent through the rest of the psalm. They have no more plots now! God lets the kings and nations know that He has established a king and a kingdom. All this king has to do is ask God and He will give the whole earth to him. God will break the nations as easily as an iron rod breaks a clay pot. Our God is loving and gracious yes, but our God is powerful and strong! He is ultimately in control.

Verses 10-12
Here is where we see God’s grace. The kings rebelled, now God gives them a chance to receive His instruction, repent, and serve God with “reverential awe.” What beauty! God should have wiped the earth clean of the nations and the kings. Instead He offers grace. He remind them that those who take refuge in Him are blessed, but those who rebel are punished, even in a moment.

What Do I Do?

So often we rebel against God in our inaction. It’s what we don’t do that is more rebellious than our actions. Think now: Are you rebelling against God? Think about these things:

  • Is there a sin in your life that you are letting control you and make you rebel against God?
    • How’s your relationship with your parents? Do you honor them even when it’s difficult? If you constantly disobey and disrespect them, you’re not only rebelling against them, but against God. Ask God for forgiveness, and then ask forgiveness from your parents for your rebellious attitude. Honor them.
    • What’s your dating life like? Is it 100% pure? Are you rebelling against God’s plan fo purity in your dating? If so, ask for forgiveness, and then seriously consider whether you should stay in the relationship. Is dating more important than a right relationship with God?
    • How do you spend your time each day? Do you honor God in your time or let your day fly by? Do you spend time in prayer and reading the Bible or are other things more important to you? Ask that God would make your heart yearn for time with Him, rather than time with video games, boyfriend/girlfriend, TV, facebook, sports, etc
  • Have you really considered God lately?
    • He is the creator of the universe, but He knows every detail of your life. Do you treat Him as He deserves? Or is God the wallpaper in your room? If He wasn’t there, would you notice?
    • Pray that God would give you “reverential awe” of Him. Do you have an “overwhelming, solemn, wonder and amazement” of who God is? Is God small in your mind? Pray that you would see God for who He really is: master of the earth, creator and destroyer, sustainer of your very life.

This week, examine areas in your life where you know you are rebelling and pray that God would take
control of those areas, just like He controls the world. Pray that you would be content to live chained to

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